Wednesday, October 15, 2014

SEO Basics for Beginners

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. If you are new to building a website you may have some of these questions:
What is SEO? Why does everyone talk about SEO? How can SEO help me? What do I do?
Don't worry. With these 3 basic steps you will be on the right track.

Ever wonder how Google decides which websites should show up first when you perform a search for a certain keyword? It is all about SEO.
Implementing SEO will help your website to move up in ranking on the search engine results page (SER) for keywords that will help lead people to your site.

Keywords for SEO
Before you can optimize your page for a certain keyword, you must decide which keywords to use.
This will require some research. Visit a page like The best words to target at first will be words with high search volume and low competition--pick battles you can win.
There are things you can do directly on your site or off of your site to increase your rankings for the keywords you choose.

Basic Onsite SEO
Start by focusing on one to three keywords per page of your site. Use these words throughout the page; e.g., in your URL, the headings, and throughout the text. Make sure not to sound like a robot. Vary your words by making the keywords plural or adding in synonyms. This will help the search engines know what your page is all about.

Basic Offsite SEO
Work on building links to your website. This can be a little tricky because who links to you is not totally in your control. There are things you can do to help get links. Quality links will help you rank higher. Don't fall for offers for tons of spam links--this can push back your ranking. The best way to get links is to make a quality page worth linking to. For more tips visit

We hope this very basic tutorial on SEO will start your climb to the top of SER pages. Happy searching!

Get Higher Ranking for Wordpress Sites, Simple SEO, Benjamin Beck, SEO Video Tutorial